I worked with local screen printer Billy D’s on designing the official Carnival T-shirts for First Bank in U.S Virgin Islands. The design is inspired by the energy, color, and vibrancy of Carnival time in the Virgin Islands using the Official Carnival tagline “Culture, Fun and Flair. It’s a Carnival 2019 Affair”.
Job Scope:
1. Placement print for T-shirt - 4 colors
Creator and founder of the stationery and clothing brand. My role was as a designer of the stationery and kid’s clothing line. Working predominately in Adobe Illustrator CC, on the print side, my duties included realizing each product from beginning to end; designing all products, sampling items, liaising with repro house and printers, quality control and overseeing production. Store responsibilities included designing in-store media and graphic devices ie window decals and displays, as well as merchandising the store. The clothing line included designing textile and placement prints as well as sourcing fabric, managing supplier relations, liaising with CMT’s and managing and overseeing the production process from sample, pattern making and fitting to finished garment. I now work for the business on a freelance basis.
From bakkie to braai, safari to soccer stadium, cable car to Cape Dutch and Madiba to Table Mountain, Pictures and Words is a range of educational toys and games that capture the essence of South Africa and illustrate what it means to experience the true beauty of the country. The range appeals to both young and old, locals and internationals, and each product is specifically designed to make you smile.
Working in Adobe Illustrator CC, I created illustrations with input from ECD Specialists at Impact Consulting, publisher Shweet Products and Singita who used a professional translation company and the Department of Education xiTsonga curriculum specialist to produce a "Look and Learn” book that would engage bright, young minds, with illustrations that reflect the children’s daily lives. Scenes range from practical matters like modes of transport and good nutrition to the uniquely South African diversity of wildlife and important cultural landmarks.
Please visit shweetproducts.com to see the full range of products
Astrid and Siri is the story of a little girl from Liv, a small town in the Arctic who, with the help of her magical purple thread, creates clothing for her animal friends. Follow Astrid and her best friend, Siri, through the design process, where they use wool from the Sheep family to make clothing. But with winter approaching what will Astrid do in return for the Sheep?
Job Scope:
1. Create core characters and environments for the story in Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop.
2. Create illustrations and text layout for iPad book and game in Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop.
Novo Nordisk manufactures and markets pharmaceutical products and services in Denmark.
Job scope:
1. Create characters, illustrate situations and layout text for “changing diabetes in children” campaign to be used on educational posters, pamphlets and a nurses guide
(More examples by request)
Based on a lifetime of working with children, Laura Sevenus has created the world’s first Baby Spa – a safe, relaxed environment where your baby can develop and be well prepared for a lifetime of adventures in the water. The hydrotherapy sessions provide a structured, yet natural sensory experience that supports brain and physical development and helps build an even stronger bond between parent and child.
Job Scope:
1. Create illustrations for a book about Laura and Baby Spa, referencing the look and feel of the interiors of the spa.
Private commission
Commissioned by the client to create a book based on the conception of her miracle children.
Job scope:
1. Develop characters and create a complete look and feel of the story using Adobe Illustrator CC.
Premade, healthy meals for kids, launched March 2014
Job scope:
1. The character development of various animals and their environments based on the first two characters provided by the client as style references (Dinosaur and alien). The characters were to be used on packaging and promotional material.
2. Design packaging stickers to be placed on food boxes
Marie Claire South Africa is the iconic, trendsetting go-to title for discerning, fashion-conscious women. They deliver sophisticated fashion and beauty trends, real women’s stories, sex, relationship and body-image features, as well as entertainment and celebrity news.
Job Scope
1. Monthly horoscope and bi-yearly horoscope specials for two years. Drawings created combining hand drawings, magazine collage and Photoshop.
(More examples by request)
Job scope:
Design educational poster to educate pet owners in lower income areas on how to take care of their pets.